Foundry Metalcasting Weekly - May 28th, 2024
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Foundry Metalcasting Weekly

In The Spotlight
A nonferrous foundry has updated its molding and handling capabilities, including an Industry 4.0 process control platform, putting it on track for better performance and productivity.
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Cranes and other industrial equipment are critical to operations. Adhering to guidelines and standards can up their safety, reliability, and longevity.
In the past, separate units were used for sand conditioning, casting cleaning, and cooling. With GK’s VIBRA-DRUM®, you can do all three functions in one unit. This versatile Two-Mass system can help you streamline your shakeout process.
Many manufacturers operate on aging infrastructure that no longer supports updates – or is incompatible with modern cybersecurity solutions. You must think outside the box to protect your operational technology.
Marketing is an investment: You must have a plan and a budget to continue communicating your solution to people who need it.
We must live with failure. Failing to do that dooms us to disappointment, confusion, suspicion, and greater failure.
Editor's Choice
Thanks to a new partnership, all Kawasaki robots will be available for use on the Olis Robotics remote-control and monitoring system.
Fiber-optic sensors plus the Raman Effect are applied to measure temperatures and monitor induction process activity, to identify and reduce risks and improve equipment availability and visualization of all processes.