
Stop Waiting: Speed Up Your Priming!

Oct. 2, 2015
Several parameters control and affect the flow rate of molten metal through a ceramic foam filter Using reticulated ceramic foam filters Diameter, thickness, pore size
The widest pore size available with the thinnest filter material recommended for a particular application will maximize the metal flow rate.
Q:I want to use a reticulated ceramic foam filter when pouring my metal, but I am casting thin-wall parts and need to get the metal in the mold as fast as possible. What can I do to maximize flow rate through the filter?A:There are several parameters of both the metal and the filter that control and effect flow rate of molten metal through a ceramic filter. First, concerning the specific metal alloy, the metal’s fluidity, cleanliness, temperature, and metal head height over the filter, all play a role in the flow rate.
“Priming” describes the initial sequence of passing molten metal through a filter – a process that can be optimized by matching the filter material and characteristics to the metal.

Regarding the filter, the manufacturer has the ability to adjust parameters when sizing the filter for your application. Metal flow rate through the filter is a function of the filter diameter (e.g. length and width), filter thickness, as well as filter pore size.

To maximize flow rate, you would want to use the largest diameter, most open pore size, and thinnest filter that the manufacturer recommends and that would physically fit into your mold space or pouring cup.  These same parameters also affect filtration efficiency and must be balanced with what you are trying to achieve.

ASK Chemical’s UDICELL™ is a cylindrical ceramic filter with 3-in. diameter inlet and outlet pores, as well as a filter wall described as “exceptionally strong.”

ASK Chemicals has been manufacturing reticulated ceramic foam filters for over 30 years and offers the technical support to recommend the best filter choice for the specific application, along with the manufacturing expertise to provide a consistent product with every order. So, consult with your ASK Chemicals contact for the best overall recommendation.

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