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Np Camfil Hemipleat 800 5e78439b12224

Replacement Filters Fit Most Dust Collectors

March 23, 2020
HemiPleat help reduce maintenance costs over time thanks to high efficiency and long service life, needing to be changed out less frequently.

CAMFIL APC is offering replacement filter cartridges to fit dust collectors available from most of the leading brands.  HemiPleat® premium replacement filter cartridges are guaranteed to last longer than standard filters, according to Camfil APC, adding that because of their high efficiency and long filter life HemiPleat replacement cartridges need to be changed out less frequently,  "saving operators time and reducing maintenance costs."

HemiPleat filters use a patented pleating technology that exposes more filter media to the air stream to boost the performance of industrial dust collectors.

HemiPleat media lowers the filter’s pressure drop and facilitates a better release of dust during pulse cleaning. This also results in using less compressed air and lowering the energy demand of the fan motor.

HemiPleat replacement filter cartridges are available with these media types:
  HemiPleat Green, for nuisance dust;
  HemiPleat PTFE and Dura-Pleat® PTFE, for harmful and toxic dust;
  Dura-Pleat Hydro Oleophobic, for hygroscopic and sticky dust;
  HemiPleat FR and HemiPleat, extreme FR for flammable dust;
  HemiPleat Carbon and Dura-Pleat Aluminized, for statically charged dust; and
  HemiPleat extreme Nanofiber for ultrafine dust.

Camfil APC offers a money-back guarantee that HemiPleat filters will provide 30% more filter life than other filter brands.

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