
CNC Combination Lathers

Feb. 11, 2008
Three modes of operation
ROMI MACHINE TOOLS' new low cost lathe, the C240, has three modes of operation, depending on the operator's skill level and can be equipped with its manual machining package that helps shops transition to full CNC machining in three steps. Manual mode allows the operator to machine the part as a conventional lathe, using the control apron. Parallel turning, taper turning, radius turning, drilling, and grooving can be performed. Cycles mode is a semi-automatic mode that allows the machinist to fill in the conversational screens on the control for feed, speed, and cycle data and approach the part manually using the control apron. Teach mode allows the operator to machine the first part, saving the process step-by-step into memory and converts them into a program that can be run automatically on subsequent parts.