
Spinning Hanger Blasting Machine

May 1, 2017
Redesigned with a wider blast zone for “a new scale of efficiency” 36 x 60 inches Forceful air intake, 2,500 CFM Manganese steel lined with chrome/moly

VIKING BLAST & WASH SYSTEMS is offering a redesigned industrial blasting machine of the “spinner hanger” design: The SH 3660 has a wider blast zone — 36 inches wide by 60 inches tall — than its predecessor (SH 3460), which achieves a new scale of efficiency.

This redesigned unit eliminates the need for a lower screw auger, which reduces wear while improving efficiency. The air intake is very forceful and allows for application of more than 2,500 CFM of cleaning media, yielding cleaner abrasive and a cleaner cabinet.

The drum is formed of manganese steel and lined with one-half-inch thick, cast chrome/moly liners, maximizing wear resistance.

Most applications are covered by the standard offering, but SH 3660 also can be fitted with a rotary scalping drum, auxiliary abrasive hoppers, and 20-HP, 25-HP, or 30-HP blast wheels, versus the standard 15-HP wheels.

Viking blasting machine adopt safety light curtains as a standard feature, with two palm buttons yielding the highest level of safety offered in the market. All Viking cartridge style dust collectors are sold with NFPA-required deflagration panels as standard.

Viking Blast & Wash Systems offers industrial cleaning solutions for all sizes and shapes of metal parts. Learn more at