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Fluke Process Instruments
Fluke datapaq thermal profiler

20-Channel Temp Profiling for Aluminum

Sept. 16, 2018
Data loggers store up to 3.6 million data points, for measured temperature range from -100 °C to 1370 °C with a ±0.3 °C accuracy.

FLUKE PROCESS INSTRUMENTS is introducing temperature profiling packages for aluminum processing, systems that allow furnace surveys and in-process product temperature monitoring with up to 20 thermocouple channels. The Datapaq Insight analysis software includes comprehensive reporting functions. Users will be able to customize reports and generate CQI-9, AMS 2750E, and ISO9000-compliant reports. Dedicated system solutions are available for temperature uniformity surveys (TUS) and for product temperature profiling during controlled atmosphere brazing, vacuum brazing, age hardening, solution treatment, aluminum log homogenizing, quenching, and ingot reheating.

The Datapaq TP3 data loggers store up to 3.6 million data points. The measured temperature range is -100 °C to 1370 °C with a ±0.3 °C accuracy.

Operating costs are minimal due to flexible charging with any of three user-interchangeable battery types: lithium, alkaline, or rechargeable NiMH batteries.

Each logger is supplied with an onboard digital calibration certificate, allowing automatic measurement correction functions that eliminate risk of human error and save time on reporting. Application-specific thermal barriers protect the electronics throughout the length of the process.

For profiling in aluminum production process, the series includes (among others) special barriers for vacuum brazing furnaces with minimized out-gassing and low-height quench systems. With automatic temperature triggers, the programmable loggers can automatically choose a faster sampling interval once immersed in the quench tank, so users can collect more data during this phase of the process. The barriers cool down quickly and can be re-used immediately after a measurement run.

The data loggers, too, enable time-saving serial measurements: they can execute up to 10 consecutive profiling runs before download via Bluetooth or USB. The manufacturer provides suitable thermocouples as well as a surveyor jig for brazing, which allows repeatable measurements and furnace-trending analysis without having to rig up a product.
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