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B&L Info Systems
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New Release Focuses on ERP User Experience

Oct. 29, 2019
Nearly 150 enhancements covering over 25 enterprise-software modules

B&L INFORMATION SYSTEMS issued its Odyssey 6.2 for general availability. Odyssey is an enterprise-resource planning product developed specifically for foundries, diecasters, and investment casters. The Odyssey ERP platform includes modules that meet specific functions for metalcasting operations — manufacturing, sales, inventory, quality control, finance, and data analytics —so that information can be shared and received by everyone in the organization.

The Odyssey 6.2 upgrade includes nearly 150 enhancements covering more than 25 different modules of the ERP software. There are three primary areas of user-focused enhancements for Odyssey 6.2: Scheduling, User Experience, and the Odyssey Open Data API.

“Like all Odyssey ERP releases, the majority of Odyssey 6.2’s enhancements were driven by the Customer Feedback Forum,” noted Brad Clark, manager, Research & Development. “This community forum has two great benefits. First, it allows Odyssey users to have a say in what they believe their company and the industry need. Second, it allows our developers insights into the direction of the metalcasting industry’s technological growth and what might be needed in the future.”

All Odyssey release information, including for Odyssey 6.2, is available through Rapid Support —available directly within Odyssey Web UI or via the B&L customer login for subscribers on Windows UI. Update assistance is free for any customers on maintenance with B&L; Odyssey customers on the B&L Cloud will be contacted with the update schedule.
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