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Weldcote A Prime Plus Wheels 800 5fa0d2a070d52

High-Quality Cutting Wheels

Nov. 3, 2020
Aluminum-oxide, slitter-style wheels manufactured with high-end granulation process technology, for high performance and extended life.

Recently WELDCOTE introduced a line of high-quality, slitter-style cutting wheels designed for applications using high-power, right-angle grinding machines. A-Prime Plus cutting wheels are manufactured of aluminum oxide using a novel granulation process technology that provides higher performance and extended life.

The complex, multi-step, granulation process allows for even distribution of the wheel’s abrasive grains because each abrasive grain is coated with resins and fillers. The resulting homogenous distribution of the abrasive grain, along with a patented chemical additive, enhances the wheel’s performance and delays its natural aging process.

“The unique granulation process technology from Germany creates an exceptionally high performing wheel that provides a consistent, high-quality finish,” stated Weldcote CEO Joe O’Mera. “Users of this new A-Prime Plus cutting wheel will notice that the wheels last longer and don’t stall out, as standard wheels often do.”

Available in Type 1 and Type 27, Weldcote’s A-Prime Plus cutting wheels are available in 4-1/2-, 5-, and 6-in. sizes with a grit of 46. Offering a high value-to-price performance, the new A-Prime Plus cutting wheels offer low burring and reduced sparks. They also are suitable for low-power grinding machines. Learn more at