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Franklin Precision Castings
The Model TRX-1250CAM water-jet blasting machine at Franklin Precision Castings.
Andrii Klemenchenko | Dreamstime
Castings in a thermal processing chamber.
Can-Eng Furnaces Intl.
Two new contracts from automotive component manufacturers represent continued demand for Can-Eng Furnaces’ Mesh Belt Heat Treatment Systems.
Dedmityay | Dreamstime
Zzz1b | Dreamstime
Photo 78234546 © Moreno Soppelsa |
Diamant Coating Systems
Plasticmetal can be applied as a liquid putty or any consistency in between to repair surface structural defects in castings

Fast-Hardening Polymer-Bound Metal Coating

Dec. 21, 2012
Mixed, apply in small quantities 12 metal powder formulas Machineable after hardening

DIAMANT COATING SYSTEMS, a developer and applicator of engineered thermal spray coatings, has introduced Plasticmetal, a fast-hardening polymer-bound metal.  Plasticmetal was engineered for high-quality repair of porosities, defects and blowholes that occur in castings, and to repair machining errors and worn areas in cast iron, steel, aluminum, and other alloy products.  Developed in Germany, and used successfully in hundreds of applications worldwide, it is now formulated and packaged as a USA-made product.

Plasticmetal is a flexible system that can be mixed and applied in small quantities and combined with several different hardeners to achieve the viscosity, curing speed, appearance, and performance characteristics required.  The product is formulated for a “free mixing” ratio, so it can be applied as a liquid, a putty — or any level in-between.  It can be applied in-place and does not require special tools.

Plasticmetal is available in 12 metal powder formulas, including cast iron, steel, aluminum, bronze, brass, copper and others. 

It is machineable after hardening, and is highly resistant to physical, and thermal stresses.  It provides excellent adhesion on all metals, and is compatible with applications that involve continuous high temperatures and aggressive chemicals. 
