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BuhlerPrince Sells QPC Systems

Jan. 11, 2008
Division designs/builds recirculating and temp-control systems
Diecasting machine builder BuhlerPrince reports it has sold its QPC Systems subsidiary to Craig Nelson. Nelson had been the general manager of that operation since joining BuhlerPrince in 1999. No price was released for the sale. Buhler AG is a Swiss conglomerate that, among other activities, designs and builds diecasting cells and peripheral equipment for diecasting, semi-solid metal casting, squeeze casting, and vacuum applications. Its North American, is the former IdraPrince, Holland, MI, which it acquired in 2006. QPC designs and builds water- and oil-circulating process temperature control units, chillers, plant water recirculating systems, and cooling tower cells. The new organization, Quality Process Control Systems L.L.C., will handle all new product sales, parts, and service.