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ASTM Issues Standard for Sampling Steel Castings

June 23, 2011
Terms set on inspection requirements for preproduction samples
ASTM International has issued a new global standard covering inspection requirements agreed upon by producers and buyers of steel castings for production samples prior to series production of an order. The new standard — ASTM A1062, Specification for Steel Castings Sampling, was developed by Subcommittee A01.18 on Castings, part of ASTM International Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys. ASTM International, formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials, develops international voluntary consensus standards, used for R&D, product testing, quality systems, and commercial transactions. The new standard covers all castings covered by ASTM Specifications A703/A703M, A781/A781M, A957 and A985/A985M, and it identifies circumstances when a new sample must be developed. It lists several categories of sampling requirements, including dimensional, machining, visual, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, radiographic, ultrasonic or leak tests. However, the new standard does address any safety standards for its applications. ASTM stated that it is the responsibility of the user of the new standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. According to Albert Melilli, an independent consulting metallurgical engineer and a member of Committee A01.18, the new standard is notable for its simplicity in facilitating purchaser and user agreement on a sampling plan. Melilli notes that the guidance to inspection processes contained in A1062 will be helpful equally to experienced and new users of steel castings. “ASTM A1062 is intended to be simple to use for both the producer and user of steel castings without the addition of increased cost of manufacture on the product,” Melilli said. “It provides a first article inspection plan aimed at ensuring the final product has the desired quality level without the expensive costs associated with verification inspections.”