May 4, 2007 — Central Castings Corp., Anniston, AL, reports that it recorded a significant plant-safety milestone during April: 1 million man/hours of production time — 684 working days — with out a lost time accident. Central Castings is an operating unit of Tyco Fire and Building Products.
Lost-time hours are measured according to the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration's reporting guidelines.
Robert Smith, director of operations at Central Castings, stated: “The Anniston team is proud of this achievement. We feel it demonstrates our employee’s commitment to a safe workplace. Their effort made attaining this milestone possible. Our team’s collective focus over the past couple of years has been to make a safe workplace become a core value of the plant’s culture, rather than a program. Additional evidence of this dedication is reflected in the facility’s Recordable Incident Rate of 2.0.”
In addition, to the consecutive days of safe operation, the Anniston plant has achieved more than 50% reductions in its DART rates (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) during each of the past three years. According to Central Castings, its workers compensation costs have been reduced by 90% during the period.