Morris Bean & Co., a manufacturer of high-performance castings in Yellow Springs, OH, reports that longtime board member and company chairman William A. Enouen has retired, and will be replaced as chairman by John J. Jorstad.
Enouen's position as a director will be filled by Richard A. Nawrocki.
Jorstad is president of JLJ Technologies Inc. and a former president and CEO of Formcast Inc. Previously, he was technical manager of the former Reynolds Metals Co. He is a member of North American Die Casting Assn. and American Foundry Society, as well as the Society of Automotive Engineers and ASM International. He has authored numerous articles related to aluminum casting and co-authored books and courses for AFS, ASM, and NADCA.
Jorstad has been a director of Morris Bean & Co. since 1988.
Nawrocki is president and CEO of CMI Management Services Inc., a private holding company. He is president of R.W. Ventures LLC, a venture capital entity focused on early stage investments; a director of Startup Nation, an online and radio resource for entrepreneurs; and a director of Intermet Corp.
Nawrocki is the former president and CEO of CMI International, and a certified public accountant.