Metaldyne has selected programs from Covisint (a subsidiary of Compuware) to help improve the sharing of information and collaborative business processes with suppliers.
Covisint Communicate portal services and Covisint Connect hosted integration services will help Metaldyne eliminate redundant infrastructure and achieve quantifiable cost savings by implementing the in-house solution. A study found that Covisint Communicate will reduce portal development costs by 80% and portal operating costs by 50%.
The programs provide a stable workplace that insulates suppliers from internal technology changes, system migrations, and disparate systems. Communicate offers a single portal location and a single sign-on ID and password for access to internal applications and information that suppliers need to conduct business with Metaldyne. Connect provides a single connection for the company's computers to exchange data with the computers of its partners.
"Where we had multiple systems and service providers, Covisint's industry operating system provides an integrated approach to controlling our customer and supplier communications," said Metaldyne V.P and CIO Jeff Beringer. "It also provides us with a strategy and platform for interoperability."
Metaldyne is one of 18 automotive suppliers that have selected the Covisint product line.