Swedish manufactuer Finnveden has been contacted to produce diecast magnesium components for automotive seat structures by Grupo Antolin, an automotive supplier. Finnveden’s Metal Structures unit will begin fulfilling the contract in mid 2005.
Company president and CEO Tommy Boork said, "Vehicles of the future will be built from lighter weight and new mixed materials to minimize vehicle weight. In addition, the material must have high strength and energy absorbing properties in the event of a collision. This is the type of products in which Finnveden Metal Structures specializes."
Finnveden is an international engineering group that produces fasteners, engine components, and structural peices. The Metal Structures business unit was formed in this year by merging the group’s Sheet Metal Components division iwht its diecasting plant in Hultsfred, Sweden. Metal Structures develops and manufactures load- bearing and energy-absorbing chassis and chassis components, Finnveden says.