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Jill Lehmann | Dreamstime
Sands through and hourglass.
Fraunhofer IFAM
The thin, structureless layers of UltraPlas allow both nanoscale surface structures, e.g., for the nanoimprint process, and mirror-gloss surfaces to be perfectly reproduced.

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Jan. 1, 2006
Visit the ALL NEW Foundry Forums These FM&T Community forums are a venue for readers to raise, respond to, and debate the relevant issues facing and influencing metalcasting mangement, operations, and technology.  In addition to a free ranging ...

Visit the ALL NEW Foundry Forums

These FM&T Community forums are a venue for readers to raise, respond to, and debate the relevant issues facing and influencing metalcasting mangement, operations, and technology. In addition to a free ranging discussion forum we present a blog by FM&T editor Robert Brooks.

Join the FM&T Community today. You are invited read any section of the forums anonymously, but we ask that you register before you post responses or new posts.