
Foundry Management & Technology is a center for metalcasting ideas and the insights on metallurgy, design, processes, and technologies that shape the industry and its markets.



Digitalization for Molding Sand Prep

July 25, 2024
An “intelligent” sand management technology models daily casting orders and calculates new sand and additive requirements.
Doncaster Precision Castings

Investment Caster Expanding Heat Treating

June 25, 2024
Doncaster Precision Castings is installing a second electric furnace for annealing, tempering, and heat-treating superalloy aerospace, IGT, and automotive castings.

Spanish Metalcaster Orders SinterCast Update

June 20, 2024
Tafalla Iron Foundry is adopting base treatment of CGI by cored wire, to improve productivity as it develops new engine castings.
Issues and Ideas

This Will Not End Well

June 13, 2024
Free-market forces do not work on Boeing, which takes its incentives from investors, financial analysts, and regulators - not customers or competitors. This managed situation ...
Mingzhi Technology

More Efficient Heating for Coremaking

June 3, 2024
Maintaining air and gas temperatures at a high level improves the productivity and environmental impact of conventional cold-box coremaking operations.


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Foundry's 2023-2024 Where-to-Buy Directory

Sept. 4, 2023
Locate suppliers for all your metalcasting needs and purchasing decisions.
Ryobi Die Casting
Stephan Pietzko | Dreamstime
Guyerwood | Dreamstime
Issues and Ideas

The Grid’s Complex Risk Environment

May 2, 2024
Insiders know of the decreasing reliability of our electric grid. But you should learn why “grid down” events are becoming more likely, and how to avoid – or even benefit from...
Issues and Ideas

Waupaca Sees Efficiency Gains from New Law

April 25, 2024
Wisconsin’s new regulations on transport of metallic and non-metallic materials will make the ferrous foundry’s pig iron deliveries more economical and environmentally responsible...
Warut Sintapanon | Dreamstime
Issues and Ideas

RMG Combines with Lawton

April 23, 2024
The latest expansion for Lawton Standard brings a ductile iron foundry and machining operation to the organization, which has assembled eight metalcasting plants and other capabilities...
Messe Dusseldorf
Industry Events

FM&T's 2024 Guide to Exhibitors

April 19, 2024
Foundry and diecasting professionals gather to inquire, discuss, engage, and explore new developments.