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Next Metalcasting Congress Will Be 'Virtual'

Oct. 13, 2020
April 2021 event program adjusted to address restrictions on events resulting from the pandemic, and to smooth organizers' and exhibitors' planning over the six-month lead time.

The 2021 Metalcasting Congress will be staged as a "virtual event" next April 12-21, the American Foundry Society's (AFS) board of directors has decided. The trade show and conference had been scheduled to take place April 13-15 in Milwaukee, but the change reflects restrictions on public gatherings as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2020 Metalcasting Congress in Cleveland was canceled as a result of the pandemic.

“The AFS Board of Directors affirmed this decision after thoughtful consideration of the sharp restrictions in place on trade shows, the fact that those restrictions would make it impossible and/or illegal for AFS to hold Metalcasting Congress 2021 as planned, the six-month lead time for planning and coordinating Metalcasting Congress, and concern for the health and safety of AFS members,” CEO Doug Kurkul explained.

In September AFS presented its Sand Casting and Additive Manufacturing Conference as a virtual event, and this month's 32nd EHS Conference is being organized the same way.

Plans for the virtual event include exhibits with video, literature, and customer-communication capabilities; technical and management presentations; keynote lectures; and award presentations for metalcasting achievement and leadership.

According to Kurkul, attendees will at the virtual Metalcasting Congress 2021 may select an Exhibits-Only pass or a full Run-of-Show pass, which will include access to technical and management sessions, keynote addresses and awards presentations, as well as the exhibits.

Details about exhibiting and registration will be announced as they become available, he said.