Foundry Sand: New Chromite Source Shows "Excellent Results"

Feb. 19, 2006
Report contains test procedures and results

Oregon Resources Corp. reports it is proceeding with its development of a mineral-sands mining operation in southwestern Oregon, from where it expects to process and produce chromite sand for the U.S. metalcasting market. ORC recently completed and announced test results on its garnet product, and has now completed a report compiled from the test procedures and results on the chromite product.

These tests produced "overall excellent results and confirmed the unique characteristics of the ORC chromite sand compared to a South African chromite product," according to a statement by Resource Finance & Investment Ltd., a Bermuda-based holding company that owns ORC. Reportedly, underground mines in South Africa are the only current source of chromite for domestic metalcasters. The ORC site is a surface-mining enterprise.

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