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In Touch with the Past, Leading in the Present - Clarksville Foundry

Jan. 24, 2013
Clarksville Foundry leads the way in present times with modern technology and efficiencies. Small batch processing allows the foundry to respond to a variety of jobs that other foundries are incapable of handling.

Clarksville Foundry leads the way in present times with modern technology and efficiencies. Small batch processing allows the foundry to respond to a variety of jobs that other foundries are incapable of handling. Computerized databases allow tracking of past orders and the ability to fine-tune chemistries in future orders. Clarksville Foundry’s responsiveness allows it to produce components with a short turnaround time, filling orders as needed to help customers minimize inventory overhead.

Charlie Foust, current president of Clarksville Foundry, has stepped into leadership roles within the Clarksville-Montgomery County business community. In addition to serving on the Two Rivers Company board of directors and chairing the design review board, in 2012 he will assume the position of chairman of the Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce.

A century after the first Foust purchased a foundry, the family continues in the industry, and the business is still going strong. Clarksville Foundry lives up to its tagline, “We’re as Durable as Our Castings.”


About Clarksville Foundry:

Location:                      Clarksville, Tennessee.

Founded:                      1847

President:                     Charles Foust Jr. – 1981-Present

Past Presidents:           Charles Foust Sr. – 1977-1981

                                     George Foust – 1966-1977 (Brother to Charles Sr.)

 Thomas B. (T.B.) Foust – 1912-1966 (Father of Charles Sr. and George)

Web site:                      www.clarksvillefoundry.com