Metalcasters understand the primeval quality, the almost eternal legacy of the work they do. Elements from the earth — iron, copper — are subjected to heat and other products of nature (sand, water, air) to create tools, vessels, armor, or wheels … things that are useful, lasting, essentially ingenious, and frequently beautiful. The raw materials are all around, but it’s the human mind that apprehends it and human effort that creates it. Men and women have been developing and improving metalcasting techniques for thousands of years, adding to the accumulated knowledge and improving the results. In the course of their efforts, they have improved human life and civilization, too.
Thousands of years after metalcasting began, long after it was identified as a science and had been established as an industry, The Foundry was launched to document its developments.
A century later, and now more than two decades ago, Foundry Management & Technology marked 100 years of publication. At that time the magazine staff had the insight — and foresight — to establish a record of the individuals who have been chiefly responsible for metalcasting’s progress. They also initiated an annual program to keep history alive by recognizing individuals who uphold and propel our metalcasting legacy.
The FM&T Hall of Honor recognizes men and women whose technical and process innovations; organizational leadership; professional and industrial standards; and personal contributions and achievements have improved and enhanced metalcasting as a science, as an industry, and as a community. In the following pages, we recognize the latest honoree.
Read more about the Hall of Honor program and Inductees from previous years.