Advantages of World-Class Tooling
Sinto America Adding Tinker Omega
Metalcasters are not inclined to change things that work well, and green-sand molding has been highly reliable and effective for producing a vast range of cast parts, quickly and cost-effectively. It's also very flexible for long runs or short runs; it’s energy efficient; and above all it delivers quality parts.
How green sand is formed into molds is something that is worth improving, however. Pier Foundry and Pattern Shop Inc. has been casting parts in St. Paul, MN, since 1889 – “We are an ISO9001-certified producer of gray and ductile iron castings. Our top industries are heavy duty truck, agriculture, pump and valve and construction,” explained sales and operations manager John Dulaney – and today it operates a highly automated molding, electric melting, and material handling operation thanks to the results of a recent modernization program.
Over the past several years Pier Foundry has implemented several capital-investment projects to promote sustainability and position itself for growth. Specifically, the foundry has been working with Sinto America since 2010 to improve sand mold quality, process speed, and production volume.
In 2020, Pier Foundry replaced a manual cope-and-drag line and installed a Sinto 20x24 FBO mold handling line, including a Sinto Smart Foundry automation package. “We selected Sinto for dependable technical and service support and optimization through Sinto Smart Foundry,” recalled Matt Grilz, president/COO.
Sinto’s FBO series flaskless molding machines are available in numerous dimensions, according to different foundries’ requirements, and built to offer long and reliable service. FBO machines provide safeguards against mold shifting, and the option to vary molding height, effectively adapting mold sizes to various pattern profiles – and making more efficient use of sand.
FBO machines’ compact, single-station design performs at an average rate of 130 molds/hour, according to Sinto, for a wide range of mold dimensions. Left- and right-hand models are offered, as are quick pattern-change features. Numerous other functional options are offered too.
Since the new molding line has been in operation, Pier Foundry has been able to increase production in the same space by 10 times, and increase overall production by 18%. “Going from 10 molds/hour to 100 molds/hour in that floor space has been a game changer for us,” according to Pier Foundry mold and melt supervisor Brandon Gilbert.
In addition to increased production, Pier Foundry has gained greater consistency, mold quality, and lead times with the FBOIII. “Having this new equipment installed has increased our capacity and helped balance our lead-time across all other lines and iron types,” Dulaney confirmed.
Information feedback provided by the Sinto Smart Foundry platform allows Pier to manage maintenance and other issues to prevent downtime.
Sinto Smart Foundry® (SSF) is a scalable automation platform that foundries can expand or configure according to their data analytics goals – from simple cycle counts to tracking plantwide movement of materials or products, as may be required or desired, or affordable. The developer describes SSF as a “toolbox of products and services” that foundries draw from to implement process improvements in maintenance, quality, production, and planning.”
Asked about the new equipment and integrating Sinto Smart Foundry, Dulaney said: “We are excited for the new molding equipment and having Sinto Smart Foundry helps ensure the system continues to operate as designed.”
At Pier Foundry, the SSF system is helping to identify and address potential production problems in advance of failures, so that the operators can anticipate maintenance needs and by extension support customers’ casting requirements more effectively.
“The FBOIII has remote sensors, so we are able to track the individual movements of basically every piece of the machine, and because we are able to do that we are able to identify where issues may be taking place. This allows us to be able to correct them before they become a major issue, leading to machine downtime,” according to Justin Fread, EHS and facilities manager.
The new molding machine and automation toolbox are also helping Pier Foundry monitor air quality and manage employee safety more effectively. “Sinto is not just helping us with mold machines at this time,” according to Fread. “They are helping us with dust-collection monitoring and remote monitoring of our bearings and gear boxes throughout the facility.”
He continued: “I think there has been a noticeable difference in air quality since installing the new equipment. Previously, the cope-and-drag (line) was not covered so there were all those gases and smoke in the air,” Gilbert detailed.
In 2022, in recognition of the improvements initiated with the FBOIII installation, Pier Foundry was awarded the American Foundry Society’s Safety Innovation and Insight Award.
“This new system, the pouring line, and weight and jacket, are all automated,” Fread emphasized. “It has greatly reduced back-strain injuries in that pouring area, which has been very important to employee safety.”
Expanding on that point, the EHS and facilities manager offered that “one of the best things we have going with Sinto (is that) we have been able to run over 300,000 molds without a major repair, and I don’t see a major repair in our future as long as we do part in taking care of their equipment.”