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New Workplace Safety Record at McWane Unit

Aug. 23, 2005
Union Foundry passes 1 million hours with no lost time

Union Foundry Co., a subsidiary of McWane Inc. in Anniston, AL, reports that in June its employees surpassed 1 million work hours without a lost-time incident due to injury or illness.

McWane president G. Ruffner Page, Jr.,. said, "This achievement is the result of committed employees working together toward a common goal, one that is shared across McWane. That is to work together in a safe environment, producing a quality product. Union Foundry is a leader in this effort."

Lost-time hours are measured according to Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) reporting logs listing all injuries and illnesses at a facility. As well as the 1-million-hours mark, Union Foundry workers achieved a 35% reduction in recordable injury and illnesses over the 2004 standard, and the company's days of restricted work activity, days away from work, or job transfers, (known as DART rates) decreased by 44% from last year. Last, since 2001 Union Foundry workers reduced their lost-time total by 100% reduction and decreased the plant’s Workers Compensation cost by 46%.

"The positive attitudes and behaviors that our employees have toward safety and health are the main reason we reached this goal," said Tim Douty, Union Foundry's assistant general manager. Union Foundry has sponsored safety and health initiatives that include OSHA and National Safety Council training, forming plant safety and guarding committees, and hiring more safety and health staff members.

The company also initiated internal and third-party safety inspection programs and employees are encouraged to communicate safety concerns to joint management and hourly safety committee members, as well as their supervisors.

According to Union Foundry, the employees’ next goal is to demonstrate success in the OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star Program, which promotes effective employee driven worksite-based safety and health. The VPP designation is OSHA's official recognition of the outstanding efforts of the employer and employees who have achieved exemplary occupational safety and health.