I began working in the carbon-and-graphite business out of college in 1980. I was blessed to be exposed to the foundry industry early in my career, and I fell in love with the entire experience. Most rewarding was the experience of learning from the people with whom I interacted, foundry owners, foundry workers, sales people selling products to the foundry industry, people within my own companies who had much more experience than I had. I found it fascinating that everyone I met was willing to share his or her knowledge, and to do this without any hesitation.
Thirty-five years later I have the pleasure to be President of an organization that embodies the principals I grew up with. The Casting Industry Suppliers Association (CISA) gives its members the opportunity to learn firsthand what is going on in the foundry industry. The years of experience and up-to-date involvement in the foundry industry gives members first-hand, in-depth
knowledge or our industry. The opportunity to interact with leading suppliers to the foundry industry allows us to meet the needs of our customers – foundries producing castings – at the highest level.
The foundry industry has gone through many challenges in last 35 years, and only the strong have survived amid the many changes. As suppliers we believe that we have been part of that survival by bringing advanced technology to the foundry industry, technology that helps to improve the quality of castings and manufacturing methods, futuristic ideas that were not thought of 35 years ago. During our CISA meetings we discuss best practices, innovative ideas, sustainability, and environmental issues, constantly creating relationships and friendships that will last another 35 years, and beyond. CISA is a diverse group of foundry suppliers encompassing equipment such as furnaces, mulling machines, grinding units, shake out equipment and a full range of consumable products used in the foundry industry for both ferrous and non ferrous metals.
CISA is proud to sponsor this month’s issue of FM&T. Here, you will find brief profiles from many of the companies that make up our group. As a group, we thank our foundry customers for their support, over the years and into the future. And we welcome any foundry supplier that is not a member of CISA to participate in a future meeting, where you can see all this creativity in action, and determine if you would like to become a member of our group and share in the rewards of our partnership and progress.
Lew Fish is the Vice President - Sales for Asbury Graphite Mills, Inc., the world’s largest independent processor and merchandiser of graphite in all forms. Asbury mines, refines, and markets graphite and a broad array of carbon-based products, with a commitment to quality and consistency with every order. He also is the 2015-16 president of the Casting Industry Suppliers Assn. Contact him at Tel. 908-537-2155, x 2202, or at [email protected]