As I complete my second year as CISA President — the first time the Association has operated with a two-year term for this role, a pattern to be followed by all future CISA presidents — I look back on the various challenges we have faced in the industry we all support and serve. The global economy has been reduced to levels we have rarely seen, which presents both obstacles and opportunities for companies involved in the foundry industry: lower rates of manufacturing output, layoffs, and budget cuts have affected all of us in the business we take on every day.
Thankfully the foundry industry has weathered the storm (thanks, particularly, to the robust automotive industry) and is poised to move forward as our economy recovers. I mention opportunities for our industry even in the difficult times. The chance to make repairs, to improve manufacturing methods, to streamline our activity even during a slowdown, sets up our companies to improve the value we provide to the industry we serve.
The CISA organization also has struggled during past two years. Our membership has declined due to spending cuts at various supplier companies, and participation at our meetings has slowed for that same reason. Like the foundries and their supplier companies, CISA is in the process of changing for the future. Executive Director Roger Hayes and Assistant Executive Director Marlene Hayes retired recently after 14 years of leadership at CISA. In his previous work as a foundry supplier, Roger was the CISA president too, in 1999, and Roger and Marlene have been CISA members since 1977 missing only a hand full of meeting over close to 40 years. We have been privileged by their service and remain grateful for their friendship.
Our new Executive Director is Mark Ziegler, who has been involved in the foundry industry for over 30 years. We look forward to the direction that Ziegler will provide.
CISA remains committed to providing valued content to our members. Our Annual meetings include programs on best practices from a manufacturing and management prospective, new technology coming to the Foundry Industry, presentations from the leading foundries in our country, presentations from leading experts in our industry. Our Fall Business meeting recaps the previous year and gives expectations for the coming year. Coupled with the chance to network with peers, gain insight to the nuances of our industry such as environmental activities, and health & safety issues/notifications our meetings have proven to do what we want – provide value to our members.
Once again, CISA is proud to sponsor this month’s issue of FM&T. In these pages you will find the essential details of the companies that make up CISA, our strengths and capabilities, and the resources we provide to the foundry industry. CISA members are grateful to our customers for their support over the years, and we remain confident of that support in the future. We also invite all foundry suppliers to join us as CISA members, to participate in an upcoming event in order to determine if you would like to become a member of this select group of foundry-industry suppliers, and to share in the opportunities that we can derive together. Enjoy the reading.
Lew Fish is the Vice President - Sales for Asbury Graphite Mills, Inc., the world’s largest independent processor and merchandiser of graphite in all forms. Asbury mines, refines, and markets graphite and a broad array of carbon-based products, with a commitment to quality and consistency with every order. He also is the 2015-16 president of the Casting Industry Suppliers Assn. Contact him at Tel. 908-537-2155, x 2202, or at [email protected]